Alternative Seating in the Middle School Classroom

My alternative seating journey began the summer of 2016. Vanguard asked what my fantasy classroom would look like and the imagination began! I applied for a grant that same summer and was accepted so my alternative seating was ordered in November and arrived in December. I recently had future teachers observing me and the most asked question was about my flexible seating which I realized I never shared. 

My initial presentation:

Since it was the middle of the year I showed my students what I ordered and asked them as an exit ticket "Which seat would you like to have and how would it help your learning?". 
From the beginning I explained to my students the purpose of the seating was to improve their learning experience. At first I did start with a teacher controlled seating chart. My goal was for each table to have a specific type of seating. For example one table would have the yoga balls, another table would have the seat cushions and so on. I soon realized this was not beneficial to my students because I was the one assigning them their seat and this seat didn't always reflect what was best for their learning. I quickly changed the expectations and continued them to this school year. 

How I started this school year: 

The first day students were in regular chairs and I once again showed my students the different type of seating options and explained to them how this affected their learning. This anchor chart was up from day one with the seating expectations. 

How it happens on a daily basis: 

  • Before the bell rings students select their seating and take it to their assigned desk. 
  • They must be in their seats ready to go when the bell rings.
  • During class if students feel the seat is not working for them they may get up and change the seat.
  • If students are not using it correctly for their learning I or my co-teacher or student teacher give them one warning. This is the important part to holding students accountable, if they continue to misuse it they are asked to return the seating and grab a regular chair. This is only for the class period so the following day starts fresh for students. 
  • The last two minutes of class when students are returning their materials to their appropriate place they return the seating to the shelves or stack their chair. I learned this from my first year of using it. The purpose is so that the next class can come into a clean and organized classroom and repeat the process. Otherwise you are going to have yoga balls, chairs, and who knows what else all over the classroom. 

Here is a google slide presentation that shows how I and a Vanguard Fellow, Anne Smallings, have used alternative/flexible seating in our classrooms. It also includes websites with more ideas and where you can fund raise or shop for your alternative seating. 

And a few pictures of my students using their alternative seating. I apologize for the dim images I have my lights half on and half off to create a calm classroom environment. 
